Monday, June 2, 2014


Kandungan sudah masuk ke 13 minggu. Alhamdulilah rezeki Allah bagi. Oleh itu aku ada lebih kurang 187 hari itu kalau ikut estimation date. Moga Allah permudahkan segala nya. Semasa busy survey tentang tempat bersalin samada Hospital Swasta atau Goverment Hospital 1 perkara yang aku sedar.When we asked public opinion tentang GH or Private Hospital this is sensitive issue rupanya dan adakalanya mampu buatkan blood pressure di dada.

I don't why, but ada certain people adalah back up besar kepada GH dan tidak kurang juga positif tentang private. If mampu why not pilih untuk Private Hospital but if we think twice about money and thought the pain are same better go to Goverment Hospital. But for me IF I afford I will choose private for my first little caliph. 

Bukan erti kata berlagak, choosy or high demand. I am not, but based on my condition I have no family from my side that boleh jadi peneman masa dalam ward nanti, the strengthen are comes from Husband it would be difficult for me to far away from Hubby. Lagi lagi upon painful period of time. This is major situation why I have go for Private. I don't have idea about what others thinking and lain orang will be have different mind set.

At the first place bila tahu pregnant actually I have choose Ampang Hospital. Hubby thought that He can accompany me if we have choose for first class. I told him It's not. GH is still GH even their service are good again I have to think twice. Lagi pula our Company Insurance given opportunity sponsored for delivery cost.

I have survey and still survey non stop upon this period of time about pregnancy info, a baby development,everything for my baby.